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ARISCC provides a guidance document for Railway Infrastructure Managers for an integrated natural hazard management comprising the following elements:

  1. Weather Information, Weather Warning and Weather Monitoring

  2. Recording, documentation & assessment of past weather events
    (“Event Database”)

  3. Mapping of natural hazards which can potentially impact the railway infrastructure (including the locations of possible impacts)

  4. Monitoring and documentation of the status of infrastructure assets (e.g. bridges, drainage system, tracks, earthworks, signalling system…) including protective measures (“Asset Database”)

  5. Assessment of the vulnerability of railway assets with respect to the different natural hazards (“Vulnerability Maps”)

  6. Assessment and management of the risks associated with different natural hazards – risks to asset integrity, railway operation, environment, railway image and safety risk (“Risk Management”)

  7. Assessment of future weather and climate related natural hazards by using regional climate models

  8. Recommendations for strategies and measures for the adaptation of railway infrastructures to climate change

The processes and information flows for an integrated natural hazard management taking into account potential changes of natural hazards due to climate change are shown in the following picture:

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Guidance Document

document Event Database Weather Warning Natural Hazards Maps Asset Database Vulnerability Mapping Risk Assess.&Managem. Climate Models Weather Info past weather weather param. infrastructure asset meassures & strategies


All important elements of an integrated natural hazard management taking into account aspects of climate change are described in the following chapters